This 'war' is no different than the Ukrainian one that preceded it. Except its worse in almost every way. Formula: take a people, treat them worse than swine for almost 8 decades, give them a chance to fight back, act shocked that it happened.
The current occupants of Israel are NOT God's chosen people; they're not even Jews. They are greedy scum acting under the front of 'Zionists'. They burn churches, spit on Christians, beat Orthodox Jews, and that's just in Israel proper. They treat the occupants of the Gaza Strip much, MUCH worse. For over 75 years the Palestinian people in the Gaza strip have been beaten bombed, raped, tortured, and murdered. One can find a multitude of videos online of IDF soldier's stories, eye-witness accounts, and sadly even videos of the brutal events themselves. There are even videos of IDF taking shots at toddlers, and cheering when they kill them. Again, these are NOT God's people. Honestly, I wouldn't even classify many of them as people at all.
A few extra key points to remember:
-This whole event started with a false flag operation instigated by the IDF. This has been confirmed by eye-witnesses and IDF members.
-Israel CREATED Hamas (this has been well established for years).
-Most of the original 'news' stories about the 'Hamas attack' have been retracted for containing false/unverified information.
-For years the UN has been calling for investigations into Israel's war crimes, as well as investigations into Israel being an apartheid state.
-Since the start of the 'war' Israel has bombed women, children, schools, hospitals, religious sites, UN workers, aid caravans, and American citizens.